This year, our St. George’s Day Event will take place on Friday, 26 April at Salendine Nook Baptist Church. We will follow the pattern from last year with some activities Squirrels, Beavers and Cubs, followed by our short celebration of thanks, and then an activity for Scouts and Explorers.


Parking is very limited at the Church and due to the nature of the activities we need to minimise traffic movements. Access will be by prior arrangement only – please contact Steven Ainley. We will ask Groups to arrange to meet in the nearby estates and walk to and from the Church and are liaising with Group Lead Volunteers (GSLs) whether we need to allocate these or not.


18:15-19:00 – Squirrel, Beaver and Cub activities (outside*)

19:00-19:00 – Scouts and Explorers arrive. Flag parties form up on steps.

19:15-19:45 – Celebration of thanks (inside)

20:00-21:00 – Scouts and Explorer activity (inside)

* due to the outside part of the event and then moving inside we will make a decision on the day if arrangements need to be amended and any alternative arrangements due to the weather will be posted on this page.

Other information

Younger Sections activities: will need teams to run them. We will be seeking support from across sections.

Flags: are welcome and we plan to line the steps into Church as young people enter and will then present these in Church. They will not be paraded out.